About Me

Hi, my name is Heika, and welcome to my blog.  Food is my life, so now I’m going to force my friends and family to read about my obsession and hope that any strangers who stumble upon this blog enjoy my antics.

I’ve successfully managed my way through my quarter-life crisis and am now cruising down the road to my 30’s.  The road is in hell, everything around me is melting, my vehicle is on fire and I’m crying, but I am still cruising.  It’s fine.  Everything is fine.

Time for some bulleted facts about moi because paragraphs are for suckers!

  • Part-time nurse, full-time student
  • Military
  • Granny at heart
  • Also doomed to be forever alone.  Probably.
  • Korean and European ancestors
  • Aggressively Korean
  • I almost named this blog “Get Jiggae With It” which is funny because jiggae is Korean for soup/stew and that is my favorite kind of food
  • Jiggae is BAE.
  • Born in Korea
  • Raised in New England
  • Portuguese hometown
  • Multicultural BFF’s.

The best way to learn about other cultures is to eat their food.