Local Misadventures

Tiger Mama Review

Hey y’all! I should be studying some material for my pediatrics class, but I don’t want to so I’m writing a blog post instead. You’re welcome.

So I went to Tiger Mama with Whitney, Babbo, and Sherry and it was so bomb, I decided to review it even though I’m pretty sure no one read the last two reviews because are they really reviews? I literally just talk about how much I liked the food.

WHELP. 🤷🏻‍♀️

You’re getting another useless review anyway.

First off, the inside is super cool! None of the pictures I took really did it justice, so I would check out their website when you’re finished reading this so that you can see the inside and look at the drink menu and make a reservation because they book up about a week in advance. We didn’t know this at the time but the hostess was really awesome and she found us a spot anyway. We really lucked out.

Here’s an elephant tho

Once we sat down and got our menus, the waiter explained that all the dishes at Tiger Mama are served “family style” which is the hallmark of Asian dining. If you don’t know what family-style eating means then you need to get out more, but basically you order a bunch of different entrees (he recommended between 6 and 8 for a party of 4) and share it with everyone at the table. Also, the dishes come out as they’re ready, so once your first dish comes out, you’re getting a constant flow of deliciousness.

So we got down to business and scoured the menu…

the aforementioned menu

…and decided immediately that we weren’t going to get the duck because it’s $70 wtf. I want to go back there just for the duck one day but we were totally not ready for that when you see that everything else is half that price. Maybe someday when I’m a super-famous blogger that gets paid to do this (lol) I’ll go just for the duck and eat the entire thing all by myself because what are limitations.

Anyway, we decided that we wanted to try the Winter Summer Fresh Rolls, Grilled and Glazed Pork Toro, Massaman Beef Curry, Drunkie Noods, and Crispy Pork Ribs first and then make adjustments from there. To be honest, we were all perfectly satisfied at the end of 5 dishes with enough room for dessert. We didn’t have time to eat dessert at Tiger Mama though so that’ll have to be another visit for another worthless blog post where I tell everyone to eat more food at a place I’ve been to.

So the first thing that came out were the Winter Summer Fresh Rolls…they were really good and honestly a great starter. The steak was cooked well (as in good, not well done) and went with the mint and the general “freshness” of the roll. I will say that if I had to choose between this and a regular fresh roll I’d probably pick the regular fresh roll…but I also love bean sprouts and peanut sauce and I’ve recently changed my mind about how much I like shrimp so these are all important factors to consider as well.

7/10, worth a try but also would want to try the “Pad Thai” Salad instead next time.

Winter Summer Fresh Rolls

Right as we finished the fresh rolls, the waiter brought out our Crispy Pork Ribs. An order usually comes with only 3, but he added on an extra for us so that we could each have one.

DUDE. Tell me why these were amazing! They were had an amazing citrusy tang that balanced the spiciness of the chili in the best way and were saucy and crispy at the same time and I’m drooling just thinking about them again 🤤

10/10 would recommend.

Ribs are bae

Next up were the Drunkie Noods (teehee) which are basically Pad Kee Mao (AKA Drunken Noodles) which is one of my favorites dishes and I should make pad kee mao and blog about it omg. What was I talking about?

Oh yeah, noods. Anyway, these were really good! It was salty and spicy and had a ton of Thai basil which is what really makes the dish (in my opinion, anyway). And the shrimp was cooked to perfection.

My only complaint about the noods was that if you went back to the noodles after having something a little sweet (like Pork Toro), they seemed SUPER salty all of a sudden and I had to take a little break from it before I could resume enjoying them. So consider this a warning not to mix this with the Pork Toro, I guess.

8/10 as long as you don’t eat it with anything sweet. Also gonna make Drunken Noodles for the blog one day.

Send noods

So next up was the Grilled and Glazed Pork Toro, which started with a strong punch of sweet mango/mint that mellowed out with the savoriness of the pork belly. I loved it and it was my second favorite dish of the night. Everyone disagreed with me (they all liked the ribs better but we all know that pork belly is my favorite so no one should be surprised by this).

10/10 but a slightly higher 10 than the ribs but not by much. So like 10.25/10.

The absolute best dish was definitely saved for last though! The Maasaman Beef Curry was to die for. Seriously. The beef was so tender it fell apart with no effort at all and the coconut milk made it taste incredibly light. And they put cardamom in it. Just enough so that you knew it was there and it seriously kicked up the flavor of the beef and the curry like crazy. It was so good it gets two pictures.

12/10 you need to get this if you go to Tiger Mama. It is amazing. I love it. It’s my favorite. I never knew true happiness or love until I had this curry.

Overall, anyone in the Boston area that knows what’s good for them will hit up Tiger Mama for dinner if they ever get a chance. It’s super hip and trendy on the inside with a great vibe and all the workers are super friendly. And the food is thebomb.com!

Check out their website below and make a reservation! Go eat food and be happy with full tummies and eat a bunch of curry because it’s BAE.
