• Holiday Cooking Catastrophes with Mom


    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Or, if you’re not from the US and didn’t just spend Thursday gorging yourselves on turkey and a litany of side dishes, happy… weekend…or whatever. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  It’s literally a holiday dedicated to eating food.  Okay, it’s supposed to be about being grateful for what you have and family and junk (or pilgrims and genocide), but let’s be honest…it’s about the food. My mom usually goes nuts on Thanksgiving and makes every side dish under the sun while yelling at me to get the hell out of the kitchen and STOP PICKING AT THE SIDE DISHES, SET THE TABLE AND GO SIT DOWN IN…

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  • Local Misadventures

    Brassica Brunch Review

    Birthday weekend part 2! Yeet. So actually, I spent my second birthday weekend doing army things and spending the night at my mother’s house.  Since she’s the greatest human on the planet, my mom made me miyeok guk (미역국), which is a seaweed soup that Koreans eat on their birthdays because a long time ago, Korean mothers would eat miyeok guk after giving birth because seaweed has a lot of iron in it.  She also made me bossam (보쌈) which is boiled pork belly because pork belly is another one of my favorite things.  One day, I’ll write about these things, but today is not that day. Today, I review…

  • Local Misadventures

    Vee Vee Review

    So I GUESS I can roll out another blog post for y’all.  It’s not like I was riding the emotional high all week and want to keep it going. Just kidding I totally was/am currently doing just that. So yeah. Birthday weekend part one, y’all! That’s right! My birthday is next week, and the best thing about birthdays is going out to eat even though I’ll literally go out to eat for any reason. AND since my birthday is in the middle of the week, that means I get to have two birthday weekends in a row.  Yaaas. One day I’m going to look back at this blog and wonder…

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  • Korean Food

    Samgyetang (삼계탕) – Ginseng Chicken Soup

    This is my first blog post ever.  Ahhhh. Soup is my favorite type of food.  It’s super easy, it’s warm, it’s comforting, and tasty AF.  And now that fall is now in full swing here in glorious New England, I have an excuse to make and shovel spoonfuls of soup into my mouth until the warmth of spring rears it’s ugly head in April and I have to pretend that I like burgers and hot dogs way more than I actually do. So my first blog is about one of my favorite Korean soups, Samgyetang AKA Ginseng Chicken Soup.  Sam is from ilsam, which is Korean for ginseng, gye is…