Local Misadventures

Vee Vee Review

So I GUESS I can roll out another blog post for y’all.  It’s not like I was riding the emotional high all week and want to keep it going.

Just kidding I totally was/am currently doing just that.

So yeah.

Birthday weekend part one, y’all!

That’s right! My birthday is next week, and the best thing about birthdays is going out to eat even though I’ll literally go out to eat for any reason.

AND since my birthday is in the middle of the week, that means I get to have two birthday weekends in a row.  Yaaas.

One day I’m going to look back at this blog and wonder what the hell was wrong with me.

For this weekend, I decided that I wanted to try Vee Vee, a local restaurant that’s known for making “seasonal American fare”.  They source their ingredients from other local businesses much as possible and strive for sustainability (according to their website) and have been around since 2008! The restaurant is owned by a couple by the name of Valachovic, hence the Vee Vee.  I’ve always been intrigued by this place since I walk by it all the time (it’s less than a 10 minute walk away from my home).  I’ve been dying to try it ever since I laid eyes on it.

Image taken from Yelp

So now I’m finally going to get my way and eat at this place.  I’ve heard a lot of good things about it and they have a 4.5 star review on Zagat, so I’m rolling in with some pretty high expectations.

They did not disappoint.  Seriously.  I said to Whitney (my awesome, amazing, wonderful roommate) that I wanted to die right then and there so that I could die happy.  SERIOUSLY.

As far as an overall experience, Vee Vee hit all my marks (although let’s be honest, as long as the food is good I don’t really care about anything else).  The interior is small (as usual for Boston), but well-decorated with local art and excellent mood lighting.

Image from https://veeveejp.com

There were no open tables for four, so we sat at the bar and were served by Alex the Bartender from Dallas, TX (I didn’t ask him for any of his info, I eavesdropped on his conversation with the couple who happened to be sitting next to us like a creep…😬).  Alex was great! He was super friendly and put up with our shenanigans (Whitney and I went with my Babbo and her girlfriend…we get a little rowdy when the four of us go anywhere together) and let me sample a bunch of the beers they have on tap before I finally decided to get a gose (a type of beer that originated from Goslar, Germany) by Trillium (local brewery) called Double Seesaw.  It had guava juice in it and it was delicious! To be honest, I really don’t like beer at all, but the Double Seesaw had no actual “beer taste” which is probably why I liked it so much.  My Babbo got a Hefeweizen (also from Trillium) which I liked the taste of as well (it had a pretty vague sweet and fruity taste with a light beer-y aftertaste).

Okay, enough about the beer.  I really want to talk about the food at this restaurant because it was UN-FREAKING-REAL.

We started with an order of baby back ribs for an appetizer because ribs are definitely an appetizer even though I really wish these ribs came with a side of greens and some cornbread because YO.  The ribs were so good.  I can’t even begin to tell you how good these ribs were.  First of all, LOOK AT THEM.

They’re just so pretty.

These ribs were fall-off-the-bone tender and literally melted in your mouth. And the FLAVOR.  The ribs had a mustard-based barbecue sauce (the superior kind of barbecue sauce, in my opinion) with a hot pepper marmalade.  It had the perfect amount of heat, sweet, and tang to couple up with the lovely smokey flavor of the ribs and dry rub.  I’m drooling all over again just thinking about it.

After we finished off the last rib, we suffered for about 5 minutes waiting for the rest of our food to arrive.  I only say suffer because any moment I spend not eating is terrible because I am a glutton.

My Babbo and I both got the steak, Sherry got the roasted chicken, and Whitney got the gnocchi.  And I forced everyone to let me try their meals so that I can tell you all about them.  I’m warning you now, they were all so good that I need to get a thesaurus so that I can start describing how good all this food is so that y’all don’t get bored of my descriptors.

First off, the steak was BAE.  Perfectly medium rare, with a wonderful seasoned crust the outside that melded with the chimichurri.  The sesame broccoli was interesting…I’m not sure if I would want to eat them again or if I think that they went particularly well with the steak and potatoes, but I also finished all of my broccoli so I guess there’s something to be said about mixing broccoli and sesame oil.  I just don’t know what it is because what I really want to talk about for this dish were the potatoes because oh my god they were fantastic.  I think they must have baked the potatoes and then deep fried them, because they were soft and fluffy on the inside while the outside was perfectly crisp and definitely had a hint of that “just out of the fryer” taste.

The potato gnocchi was super good as well.  The gnocchi was perfectly soft and took on the flavors from the rest of the ingredients in the best way possible.  They all played very well together (something I still haven’t learned but it’s fine).  The smokiness of the chicken complemented the acid from the tomatoes and the brightness of the greens as the little gnocchi party bus took them a trip to my tummy.  Also, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this dish, especially with the sun-dried tomatoes since I’m generally not a fan of sun-dried tomatoes (they’re a little too acidic for me).

My favorite dish was the roasted chicken breast though (which is disappointing because I usually win the “who got the best dish” contest I secretly have with everyone I eat with).  It was impressively moist and had a rich flavor that coated your entire mouth.  The taste of this succulent af chicken just stuck to your mouth in the best way possible and would mix and melt into the next bite of potato and squash before being broken up by the tartness of the apple chutney.  It was really hard for me to not make Sherry trade plates that I could finish her chicken for her.

Overall, I have to give Vee Vee 5 stars.  The interior is quaint and appetite stimulating (did you know that red stimulates appetite? You do now), the staff seemed friendly, service was timely, and (most importantly) the food was so good that I wished to hasten my own death so that I could ensure I would be in a state of euphoria when I slipped from the surly bonds of life.  That’s a pretty big deal.  Or at least it would be if I wasn’t a casual nihilist.

Unfortunately, we did not sample any dessert since we already have plans to go to a vegan ice cream store up the street called FoMu because Sherri can’t digest lactose and the only time she gets to have ice cream from FoMu is when she comes up to Boston.  So dessert will have to be dealt with at another time, which I am totally okay with since it means I get to go to Vee Vee again.

SO. There you have it.  My first restaurant review.  If you ever find yourself in Boston, I would highly recommend stopping by and giving them a try! They haven’t been around for a decade for nothing.

See you next time!
